Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Helpline for Women

I am seriously contemplating starting a helpline for otherwise sensible women who experience a ‘momentary lapse of reason/temporary bout of insanity that leads them to suddenly contemplate being with or worse, marrying complete losers who would otherwise not get a second look (let alone a second’s time) from these women.

These irrational moments are triggered of by anything from a sudden pang of ‘being the only one left’, to friends sending in ‘happy family’ pictures (Bless them!), to (the most obvious!) feeling guilty about still piling on to your parents, and when pms-d – (stooped!) ads featuring loving husbands looking fondly at their wives and/or kids.

The objective of this helpline will be to drive sense and sanity home to these women when they need it the most aka when they don’t make sense and are, in fact, insane.

Thoughts and suggestions to further this enterprise are welcome.


Blogger Wandering Soul said...

i think that's a GREAT, not to mention extremely humanitarian thought. You would be doing womankind a great service.

Add to the list of causes for the momentary lapse of sanity the need to make the whole 'it happened to me too' dream come true - i met someone, fell in love, and we lived happily ever after'. and of course, many more such reasons.

Count me in for any kind of assistance with the enterprise :)

17 June, 2006 11:42  

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