...and then I go and
..spoil it all by saying something stoopid like I'm HA-PPY!
but, I am! I am! I am!
...and this is also my debut semi-drunken post!!
tee! hee!
My friend just re-joined **** today - thats where I work, and where she used to...so, its all good, and needless to say, we went out to celebrate post...
..wherein, we had all that (I) hasn't (been) had in a-gessss now - namely, alcohol
(I'm sure I'm going to delete this post when I am sober!! hee!hee!)
what a sorry life it must be to get drunk-ish and spend a night with a blog
back to non-happy then...
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wizdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
Words of wisdom
Halfway through a D&D evening, I was worried about how I was going to drive back 'ome. I asked G about what I should do.
G: Shut up and enjoy yourself.
I am sorry. All I got was 'Cannot Find Server'm again and again and...
Pliss do the needful. Too much semonising for one post.
seems to me that G's words of wisdom failed and you din't shut up, AE!!
ps: who's G??
You and this friend or friends should spend more time together.
and why looking for sympathy? (last line)
Ah...just a chappie from college.
Illusions: I keep running away from S because she gives me that patented murderous look (the one with a smile) of hers. Not that I don't solicit it.
And she can't keep pace.
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