Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Heads - you win, Hearts - I lose…

…I say, in stark contradiction to the age-old adage ‘Follow your heart’ – for it seems that doing that can lead to one thing only – not meeting whatever it is that the proverbial battle between your head and heart was held for in the first place. Make no mistake – this is not a bitter, misery-laden rant – it is a clear as glass fact I state here. Cynics could say that this probably has more to do with the ‘what’ your heart was following in the first place or even how ‘trustworthy’ wrt intuitions your heart, as a general rule is. I say, that is sheer and utter bunkum. Given the best of ‘intuitivists’ and a cause-worthy object to follow – you will still fail. Heed this as a wise warning/plausible threat/random crap – try it and the result will be for all to see…and I promise I won’t do an ‘I-told-you-so’ when you return.

So what fails? Lets dissect the rationale behind the seemingly drastic statements here:

  • Disclaimer: Your IQ either falls into the general average range …or is above that. This is to enable that your head is capable to wage the war to begin with.
  • Given this factor, just the fact that this deemed capable head is engaging the services of the heart to resolve an issue immediately indicates a reluctance on the part of the head to accept the solution at hand – ie, there is an inherent unwillingness by the head to accept the actually-right-there-solution/path…and uses the heart as an excuse for this deliberate myopia/blindness.
  • And then, despite the sub-conscious knowledge of this, the escapist rushes into what it believes is full scale battle…eventually leading to more and more and more muddlement.
  • Ultimately, there is such a frenetic state of confusion, that the cause itself is lost.
  • Hence, You lose. I lose. He loses. She loses. Everybody loses.

This is a sad story.

The writer of this theory does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed. Any resemblance to any person she may have encountered in her lifetime who could have led to her forming this theory is not intentional and purely coincidental.


Blogger illusions said...

Ideas and writings don't get any simpler...and the Noble Simplicity award goes to Straight Curves!

17 January, 2005 18:31  
Blogger Straight Curves said...



27 January, 2005 13:29  

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