STOP calling "women" a minority group.
we are not a minority and we do not want any "special favours" as a result of it.
we do not want a "women's day". we do not want reservations - in public transport or in govt. jobs.
wake up, smell the coffee, and notice, that they are prolly a lot more of us in and around your lives than you would like to believe.
Are you kidding. I "want" to be treated like a lady. I love having doors open for me, chairs pulled out for me, help with my coat, etc. I "am" a strong, Black woman and want to be treated as a woman. I can still bring home the bacon and also cook in the bedroom. Don't take away all my power.
good for you, Kat. Now, be a good girl and tell all those men to stay the hell away from me! :)
Ummm...I'm not too sure I agree with the 'reservations in public transport' bit.
I know that I'd much rather be pushed up against/squeezed between *women* in local trains, than men.
MUCH less chance of being groped, no?
I'm with you on everything else though...
true enough but its like we "let them" believe we need seat reservations there, and they go beserk with the whole idea! Like, give an inch take a yard! *Blech*
"Us vs Them", eh?
Of course women *need* reservations. We also need regular announcements in metro trains for men to vacate their seat for senior citizens, the physically challenged and women. Also separate queues for men and women for tickets everywhere, since they are a minority community.
It's not just in the case of women...across segments, for most people equalization by overcompensation seem to have become the only means of achieving equality.
(pardon the rant...not specifically directed at women, btw. You know what I mean)
totally agree with guys and girls being COMPLETELY equal...screw the 'reservations in public transport'...:P
you are one RARE case, one confusing feminist, you don't want special treatment!
rock on!
read ur profile - highly amusing! which rock god do u worship?
Women are not a minority? You astound me dear lady!
We Engineering grads beg to differ. For us, the female is a rare and wonderful species. Very hard to find in the wilderness we call home.
We consider it an honor to be allowed to vacate seats for them.
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